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Automate administrative tasks that you would normally have to do through the Apple Dev Center website. Life’s too short to manage device identifiers by hand!

$ ios devices:list

Send push notifications from the command line. Simply provide your credentials, construct your message, and 3…2…1… blastoff.

$ apn push "<token>" -c /path/to/cert.pem -m "Hello!"

Generate Passbook .pkpass files with ease. Rapidly iterate on the design and content of your passes, or generate one-offs on the fly.

$ pk generate Example.pass -T boarding-pass

Secure your In-App-Purchases by verifying App Store purchase receipts, and retrieving the information associated with receipt data.

$ iap verify /path/to/receipt

Create development builds and then distribute their .ipa files over TestFlight, HockeyApp, Amazon S3, or FTP. Get new builds out to testers and enterprises in seconds.

$ ipa build && ipa distribute